
Monday 12 March 2012

Unit 29 Point 3 - Music Video Treatment


Programme Title:
Plan B – Traded in My Cigarettes

Scriptwriter/Director and Producer:
 James Grimley

6 minutes

 The audience is fans of the artist ‘Plan B’, people that have interest in Soul and Rap music genre and it’s more for the teens as the artist is using his image that they like also that his music are sometimes about love which is more for teen girls. The music video is going to be a British gritty feel and the same style from the other music videos so people we have to see this music video being a prequel.

The music video story will be a prequel from the other music videos as it will tell the story about before he became famous and trying to get his music record out but having money problems from loan sharks. As the story will be close to the lyrics, as Strickland Banks is in trouble owing money as he uses it to make a music record to get into the music industry. 

The name of the song 'Traded in my Cigarettes' as you hear the song and the lyrics it sounds that the Cigarettes is a meaning to 'money and selling his soul' like if he is selling his soul to the devil. So in this music video Strickland owes money to the loan shark and he has sold his soul to make an album to get into the music industry instead of Cigarettes. 

Suggested Elements:

·      There will be dialogue at the start of Strickland and the loan shark and once he walks out of the pub the song starts as you see him thinking and worried.
·      Then there be jump cuts of him getting to his house talking to his girlfriend and arguing with each other about the money they owe Strickland will be trying to make her understand that they need to sell their house.
·      At this point you won’t be able to hear them because of the song but some of the lyrics will come out in that scene like ‘You know I need to get tougher now baby, I gotta do what I gotta do’.
·      There be jump cuts of him singing in the studio where it’s all dark and there be lights shining on him which I will use a light gel colour that will be red as that is the colour of the front cover of the album but also it’s the colour of being scared, being tough and blood.
·      The studio will be like his mind as he is scared where his thoughts are in darkness. Then there will be jump cuts of him looking into the mirror looking scared and trying to look brave as he sings in front of the mirror. Then Strickland lies on his bed with his shirt untucked and tie down, thinking and looking worried.
·      He will also be pacing up and down in his bedroom while he is singing and looking into the mirror.
·      There be a close-up shots and mid-shots of him sitting on the dining table having his head down and singing with a class of alcohol in his hand.
·      Once the song has ended the last scene will be in the pub where there are two lines of dialogue between the loan shark and Strickland. The loan shark will say “So do you have my money?” but Strickland doesn’t answer and doesn’t look at him, as he is scared and still thinking. Then the loan shark says “Well?” and he looks hard and confused at Strickland waiting for an answer. Suddenly Strickland looks at him and he gets up from his chair and lifts his arm towards the loan shark as he is holding a gun. The loan shark flinches backwards and the last shot will be a mid-shot of Strickland aiming his gun as his hands are shaking of fear. Then it goes to black, not knowing what will happen next as the audience doesn’t know if he had taken the shot to kill the loan shark or just didn’t had the guts to do it.

Filming Three days on Wednesday 7th March in Burton College Studio for 2 hour, as Chevy and me are filming at 1pm to 3pm. On Saturday 10th March filming at the Pub at 12pm to 2.30pm, then filming at my house of the girlfriend scene 2.35pm to 4.35pm. Then at night filming the bedroom and dining table at 9pm to 11pm. On Sunday filming outside near by a wall and pavement for 1pm to 3pm. 

Editing will take about three or more days to finish it as music video takes a lot of editing to do. 

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