
Wednesday 5 October 2011

Unit 22.2 Handmade Portrait Research

Handmade Portrait Research

Video 1 - The Cape Crafter:

This Video is about a woman who is talented of making capes like superman capes. During the video we follow her in her car to the shop of materials gettting the right vabric for her cape. Then she gets back home with her sowing machine and makes her cape, we see different shots of her e.g. close-ups of her face, hands and the sowing machine while she is making her cape. Wide shots to see all of her body and the cape. The reason why I like this video is because the Director made the video split screen like the TV Show '24'. Where down below is Superman comic books so we see a strip of the comic and what I like about that is that it is connected to the cape where Superman wears a cape and the woman loves making capes but also each time the comic strip page is turned like a book which I like that I find it clever. On the top of the video is her as we follow her and we see making her cape. On the right side of the video is a close-up of her fingers at the sowing machine with the red cape she is making. Most of it is voiceover of her voice talking about herself and telling how she makes a cape. The other thing I like is that the Director leaves the sound of the wind in the video a the start and at the end because she mentions that she loves wearing the cape in the wind as she feels like a superhero and she likes how the wind blows the cape as the sound of the wind is what she is telling to us. At the end the cape she made it finish and she wears it in the wind and we hear the sound of the Japenese bells as the wind is blowing them and it finishes with a nice touch.

Video 2 - Since he could hold a pen: a 3 minute profile:

This video is about a boy called Charles who is a talented artist and drawer but also he is inspired by Pixart. What I like about this is that it's a fun short documentary and Charles who is a interesting person and very talented artist at some parts it was funny as at the end the director told him to do a funny posse and the director left a blopper where Charles almost dripped over by a chair with his books of drawings and both of them are laughing, which this feels like a documentary and it feels natural. We see a lot of cutaway shot of his art and drawings, we also see a shot of him with his favouirt drawing and he talks about it. There is two different shots and two different questions but it links to Pixart as Charles says he would love to work at Pixart and the other shot and question was what he liked and faviourt character from Pixart and the director cut them two shots going back to each other as it linked the Pixart. We do she him being interviewed on the chair but it keeps cutting to drawings, Charles, books and him talking about his art and it is fast cutting so it keeps your tention. We see alot of close-ups of his hands showing his art work. sometimes there is a voiceover of Charles talking at a shot. I also like the background music because it suits to the video but also it seems to be a cartoon or Pixart music so the music is happy and fast as it's a piano playing so it is like Jazz. We do get him talking about a subject like at the part where he is making a 30 second animtion of a lot of pages of drawings and there is cutaways of them paper and the drawings. I also like about that Charles is passionte of what he is doing and it's fun video and it seems that Charles and the director had a great time making the video as it puts a smile to your face.

Video 3: - Distored Beauty:

The video is about a girl called Brooke and she is talented of dancing and baloay. at the start of the video i really like because it starts of her doing a strech move of dancing and it's out of focus then it comes focus and then we see a cross-dissolve to the other of her and we see the beauty background of the dersert and the clear blue sky and then we hear the music which is claim and it's pinao and we see a wide shot her doing her baloay but it seems to be slow motion and it has that strange feeling it doesn't feel nautarul but it's moving and beauitful how it's edited. Then there is a voiceover of Brooke taking about her dancing and we see a lot of close-ups of her feet, wearing baloay shoes, her hand and arms up in the air. I also like the cinematogother which is really good as we see alot of lighting and the shadows of her dancing. Then suddenly the pinao is till playing but there is a added music of this fast beat like drumming and the shots of her dancing reverseing and shots being quick seeing different shots of her. Then is a shot i really like where Brooke has jumped in the air and it fits to the beat of the music where she is the air for a like time seems that she is flying and keeps reversing again then with quick editing it somewhere else under a brige but this time it's at night time. Then we see her interview onto the left side of the screen and the right is her standing wearing her dancing cloths and the whole background is black and she is lighted very well and makes her clear and sharpe on the screen. There is bit I like where it's split screen of her interview down below and up the top is her dancing in the dark. We see a lot of low angles of her dancing and again it fits to the beat of the music when she is dancing and we can tell that Brooke is very talented with her dancing and the video makes that jutice with the fast editing, the music is striking, the lighting is perfect, the cinematoghother is eye catching and beautifully shot and filmed. I also like the end where Brooke says that she will never stop dancing as she loves it and there is a shot of her standing and is out of focus and it ends there I like because it's link back to the start where she is out of focus and once she is doing her dancing she is in focus but instead at the end it's other way around.

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