
Tuesday 11 October 2011

unit 22.3 Editing Review Handmade Portrait

Back at college 10 October I did my edit on my video. The first thing I did is that but the shot of his back playing his drums as the first shot. Then I added text of 'Handmade Portrait', the text I used looked like rock and punk and flames at the top of the letters and made the colour green as it looked like toxic and a colour of a band. After that I made the the text jumbled to make it more interesting and quirky and made the letters appear of cross-dissolve so the letters come by and go individually. Then cross dissolve to the next shot of Peter's interview of the three questions I gave him but I cut out of my voice saying the question so you get peter saying the answer. Each time I put a shot with a cross-dissolve of Peter's interview to him playing his drums so you see him talking about himself and his drums and you see him playing. Again I did cutaway shots of parts of the drum kit so Peter won't jump of the frame and the voice won't change. At the end of his interview he saying it's enjoyable and he loves playing on concerts, this tells the audience that he is passionate and loves playing his drums, then to a next shot which is the last of video of Him playing his drums seeing the whole drum kit and the movements of his arms. then it cutaway to a black ground with a text of the same font that is used during the the whole video which says 'Grimsta Films' as this is the credits then it cuts back to Peter playing his drums again then it cuts again to another text saying 'Interviewer Peter Jones' again it cuts back to Peter but the camera moves up to see his face and playing his drums then its cuts to the last credit text 'Director/Editor James Grimley. It cuts back to Peter finishing his music from the drums and he turns his chair around showing the audience he is finish giving a great performance for them and a put a cross-dissolve to the end as it finishes.

On Tuesday 11th October I set the sound levels at right, so of the footage of Peter playing his drums I put the sound down so it's not to aloud and for Peter's interview I put the sound high so you can hear Peter aloud and clear of what he is saying and trying to match the sound together so you don't have to keep turning up or down of the volume of the video. Then I did the colour correction on the shots, so I made all of the shots look a bit lighter so you can see Peter more better and clear as before the footage is dark and grannie so I try to improve it. Once that was done I finished it and exported on quick time and then uploaded on YouTube.

I wish I could improve it more with the sounds because during film peter kept turing his chair which made a noise so I would have told him not to do that which the sound is noticeable and annoying. In a few shots of Peter's Interview his voice is a bit strange starts to echo and don't know why it did that but wish could have improved on that. I should have booked a light kit, but to do more practice on how to use lights. I would have used the lights to see more clear of Peter as it was filmed in the afternoon and was a grey day. Next time I would like to use the HD cameras because the footage will look nicely and sharp to watch instead of having grannie footage. But I have enjoyed making the video and I look like the interview because we hear about Peter and his talent and footage is good and some of him playing was really good as well, I was happy with overcome of the video. 

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