
Wednesday 23 November 2011

Advert Treatment


Programme Title:
Evian – Keep on Running    

Scriptwriter/Director and Producer:
 James Grimley

A 30 second advert for water ‘Evian’.
Ø      The Audience is for the youth 6 to 18 for excising and to keep fit also to drink water to be health as water is good for you.

A teenage boy jogging around his home town while he listens to his ipod of a song called ‘Keep on Running’ and shows that he goes to different places to keep fit. Being tired and to be more health he drinks a bottle of ‘Evian’ (water).

Suggested Elements:
Ø     At the start of the advert there will be a teenage boy wearing his sport cloths and white trainers as he is outside of his house as there will be a close-up to his white trainers tying his lances.
Ø     Then there will be a close up of his face putting his ear phones onto his ears and a close-up turning his ipod on, at that time there will be no sound till he press a song on his ipod which will be ‘keep on running’ has you will hear the song echoing first hearing it from his ipod.
Ø     Till the next shot there will be a jump cut of him running on the pavement or on a street that’s when the song is loud on screen. I chose that song for that advert because it links of the boy running saying ‘keep on running’ which is to get young kids off their feet and do some exercise.
Ø     There will be close ups of his white trainers when he is running has there will three jump cuts of the same shot but being some where else same with the mid shots of seeing his face there will jump cut to a different place.
Ø     There also will be wide shots of the boy running on the street or on the pavement again there will be jump cuts with the same shot but being somewhere else.
Ø     With the jump cuts I was inspired by French New Wave Films e.g. ‘Breathless’. At the end of the advert the boy will run back to his house and take off his ear phones and the song will go dead.
Ø      He goes in the kitchen and drinks a water bottle which will be ‘Evian’ as it will be clear by seeing a mid shot of him drinking it.
Ø     There will be a slogan ‘Keep on running with Evian’ and it will have the logo of the product.

Filming one day on Saturday 19th November as it should take 1 hour and 30 minutes to finish. Filming at 11am to 12.30pm.

Editing should take one day.

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