
Wednesday 23 November 2011

Advertisement Presentation Notes

Advertisement Presentation

Video 1: Evian Water – Roller Babies Advert

Structures: The advert is anti-realist narrative because of the babies rolling skating, which it’s unreal, as you won’t see a baby rolling skating it’s not natural. As a baby won’t be able to walk even skate.
The advert is humorous because it is random and funny to see babies rolling staking as you know it will never happen but also everyone finds the babies cute specially when they are laughing but you see them rolling skating you can’t help to laugh. The advert is eye catching and memorable as it will stay with you for a long time.

The camera shots are low angle to get the height of the babies and wide shots to get all the babies in the same shot. The editing is quick and fast by matching the speed of the roller skating and being a 30 second video. Most of the advert is special effects as the babies rolling skating is fake and is special effects as you can’t get a real baby to roller blade. The lighting is bright because of the sun and you can see the shadows from the sun and the baby’s shadows. The music is hip-hop, which suits to the roller skates and the movement of the babies skating. The sound at the start of the quote where you hear the sound of water drop again links to ‘Evian’.

Techniques: The overt message is the product, which is ‘Evian’ (a water bottle) where we see the water bottles in a line and we see the title and the logo at the front of the screen and the babies skating through each bottle. At the start there is the pink background which pink is the colour for ‘Evian and the symbol of the White Mountains as you know straight a way it’s ‘Evian’. They have a quote as well in the pink background. It says “Naturally pure and mineral-balanced water supports your body’s youth” meaning that water is good for you and supports for the body’s youth which that links to the babies and being fit while they are skating but yet a again it is random and it might not have anything to do with babies skating in a water advert. 

Characteristics of products or services: It’s a unique selling proposition where ever you go and see ‘Evian’ straight away you will say roller babies just by watching the advert as the advert is humours to watch. The babies are the interesting characters in the advert as people find babies cute and funny. The product is for lifestyle appeal as well as ‘Evian’ is water and is a health life style by drinking water. The brand identity is clear as we see the name of the product at the front of the screen and the babies behind the water bottles.

Regulation: They could not use real babies as they wouldn’t able to roller blade, also they might hurt them selves by doing so and it’s a health and safety issue. The babies would not even do the roller blade tricks.

Audience ratings: Evian’s “Roller Babies” ad was crowned the most-watched web commercial in the world with 65 million views

Audience sells: In addition to the vast audience it has generated, parent company Danone’s (DA) water sales were up 13.3 percent to 718 million in
 2011 and up 5.3 percent in 2010 to 2.9 billion.

Video 2: npower Wallace and Gromit Sheep Advert

Structures: The advert is anti-realist narrative because it is an animation of stop motion made out of clay which is not real live actors. With the loft fallen down because of the sheep and Wallace and Gromit don’t get hurt but in real life you would.

The advert is funny and comical because of Wallace and Gromit are the famous British animation and well known to everyone in Britain. In the advert you get Wallace saying one of his catchphrases ‘its cracking’ which he usually says ‘Cheese and Crackers Gromit!’ They also add the sheep in which is also an iconic in Wallace and Gromit as they was an episode of the sheep. It’s clever as npower are the people to fix the lofts as there is a connection. Once the loft falls down Wallace gets this white beard and a hat and with the sheep he looks like a shepherd.

The camera shots are tiled down to see Wallace and Gromit looking up at the loft when it’s cracking, wide shot to see Gromit on the ladder trying to get into the loft, there are mid shots are both of the characters, low angle to see Wallace giving the hook to Gromit up to the ceiling. At the start the editing is a bit show as we wait till the loft has fallen down and then editing goes a lot quicker of being a 30 second advert. The advert is stop motion of clay as there is no need of worry for health and safety for real live actors. There is a voiceover telling us that npower can fix lofts, telling you the price and added a bit humour when the voiceover says ‘saving time, money and sheep’. There are sound effects for loft cracking, sheep noises, character voices and a song for the end.    

Techniques: The overt message is when Wallace and Gromit’s loft has fallen, Gromit hands over an npower leaflet which is clear to see on the screen, the voiceover giving us the information about npower, there is also text on the screen giving more information. There is also an npower employer clay character wearing a red shirt being the colour of npower also with the letter N which is also stands for npower. He has got a red fan with the name of npower on it. The npoer employer fixes the loft for Wallace and Gromit as this makes clear what npower do. At the end they put the npower website so you can get onto them and learn more about them and to contact them.

Characteristics of products or services: The Characters are clay animation and a famous British animation characters ‘Wallace and Gromit’ as in some ways are use like celebrate endorsement to get people to call for the services for npower. Wallace and Gromit are the comical effect and something bad happens everything for them e.g. they loft falls down which is humour and links to the advert for npower. They add another clay animation character which is npower employer which shows that they fix lofts which the message is clear. 

Regulation: It wouldn’t able to use real actors as the loft might hurt them so there would have been health and safety and it is cheaper to make clay and to make actual set of the loft falling. They wouldn’t able to have a real sheep fallen down as they also could get hurt. With animation you can do anything mostly without heath and safety.

Audience Ratings: Information on YouTube says ‘48176 views’

Video 3: Guitar Hero 4 World Tour Advert

Structures: The advert is realist narrative because they use real people and they use celebrates endorsement as the celebrates are American sports men playing on the video game on Guitar Hero. The audience can relate to them as they play this game saying might as well buy and play the game as well and it also telling us if sport stars wants to become a music band for a dream so can the audience.

This advert has humour because at the start of the advert the sport stars slide cross on the floor in their shirts and underpants as they took that from Tom Cruise in a comedy film called ‘Risky Business’ as that links to guitar hero because in the film Tom Cruise sings but in this advert the sport stars are a band and playing on Guitar Hero. They also have use the song from the film ‘Old Time Rock N Roll’. Being a celebrate endorsement advert you have Tony Hawk on his skateboard with the drums; you got the basket ball person doing the singing it adds that humour.

The camera shots are wide shots to see the sport stars sliding cross of the living room, there is a close-up of the basket ball sport star singing, there are mid shots are each of the celebrates. There is a mid shot of the singer and the TV of the video game Guitar Hero, a tilted shot looking down at the celebrates enjoy them selves playing on Guitar Hero and a establishing shot of the house with the window seeing their shadows. The editing at the start is slow to get all the celebrates sliding across into the one shot, then the editing gets faster because of the song as it follows to the beat of the music. The lighting is bright so you can see the celebrates clear so you can see their faces and outside is night time. The music is happy and rock as it links to ‘Guitar Hero’. At the end it shows the logo of the video game ‘Guitar Hero’ and giving you the age of the game. A voiceover saying ‘realise your inner rock star’ as it is to engage you to buy the product and telling you what the product is and what rated it is.  

 Techniques: The overt message is when you see the name of the product of the celebrates sliding cross seeing the drums with the Guitar Hero logo on it and seeing the game instruments. They show you the singer and the TV screen of the product game and at the end the voiceover giving us information and showing the logo of ‘Guitar Hero’ which makes it clear what they are trying to sell.  

Characteristics of products or services: The characters from the advert are real people which are American celebrate sports men which makes it a celebrate endorsement advert saying if they play this game so will the audience will buy the game and play it. We see the celebrates playing on Guitar Hero and enjoying them selves also they want to become a rock star and with the voiceover says realise your inner rock star just like them.

Regulation: There is hardly any regulation part from health and safely for celebrates sliding cross of the living room and moving around in the room with the filming equipment as they would have to be careful where they move in the room.

Audience Ratings: On YouTube it says 13,047

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