
Wednesday 23 November 2011

Ideas of Advertising

Ideas of Advertising

Idea 1: This idea is advertising the product of ‘Evian’ which is a water bottle. At the start of the advert there will be a teenage boy wearing his sport clothes and white trainers as he is outside of his house. There will be a close-up to his white trainers, as he ties his laces. Then there will be a close up of his face, putting his earphones onto his ears, and a close-up turning his ipod on.  At that time there will be no sound till he presses a song on his ipod which will be ‘keep on running’. You will hear the song echoing, first hearing it from his ipod. In the next shot there will be a jump cut of him running on the pavement or on a street - that’s when the song is loud on screen. I chose that particular song for te advert because it links to the boy running in the lyrics, ‘keep on running’. The aim is to get young kids on their feet to do some exercise. There will be close ups of his white trainers when he is running as there will be three jump cuts of the same shot with the mid shots of his face, then they will jump cut to a different place. There also will be wide shots of the boy running on the street or on the pavement. Again there will be jump cuts with the same shot but being somewhere else. I’m using jump cuts because of the time restrictions of the advert, which is 30 seconds, and to make it look fast and to show that the boy is running from different places and to follow by the beat of the song as it is like a music video. With the jump cuts I was inspired by French New Wave Films e.g. ‘Breathless’. At the end of the advert the boy will run back to his house and take off his earphones and the song will go dead. He goes in the kitchen and drinks water from a bottle, which will be ‘Evian’. The product will be clear as we will see a mid shot of him drinking it. There will be a slogan ‘Keep on running with Evian’ and it will have the logo of the product.

The pros are that I can film it around my area and I have access to an actor to play the teenage boy. I do not have to ask any permission for filming as it is going to be outside on the street. The cons are that the jump cuts might not work and look a bit strange so I will need to plan it carefully to make it flow correctly. I also might have a problem with sound, in trying to get the song echoing from the ear phones.

Idea 2: This idea is advertising the product of ‘Walkers Crisps’. This will be a stop motion advert. The idea is that a potato linking to crisps will be dressed as James Bond but the potato will be called ‘Potato Bond’. This advert will be comical and silly as the potato will be in a tuxedo and be James Bond. At the start it will have the black background with the white scope in the middle like in all the James Bond films. Potato Bond will be walking into the middle and there will be the theme tune of the James Bond music. Once Potato Bond is in the middle he will turn around and shoot towards the screen. The advert will be like a James Bond film where I will take an iconic James Bond scene from ‘Goldfinger’. Potato Bond will be tied up on the metal table and ‘Gold Potato Finger’ are both talking so there will be character voices. There will be a laser splitting Potato Bond into crisps which will be Walkers. At the end of the advert it will be back to the black background and the white scope in the middle of the product ‘Walkers’ of packets of crisps. Towards the end there will ‘Potato Bond’s voice saying ‘the name’s Bond, Potato Bond’. I will be using a photo camera for stop motion as I will use real potatoes and design their faces and clothes. This is to add humour and it’s for kids to enjoy watching it as it’s like a cartoon. 

The pros are that I can get potatoes and design their cloths by using glue and black fabric and put on fake eyes and stick it onto the potatoes to create the character. I can film it at my house and create the little play sets for the advert. The cons are that the advert is only 30 seconds and I might over run because of stop motion and telling the story. It is also will be time consuming and I might not get it done and it might not work as it might look tatty.  

Idea 3: This idea is advertising a video game product for PS3 and Xbox 360 called ‘We Sing’. The idea is to have the whole advert in black and white and with flashy lights moving to resemble a stage. Someone will go into the spot light as you see  a look-a -ike of Lady Gaga singing one of the songs, ‘Bad Romance’. Then the light blinds the camera to switch over to a band that will come into the spot light which will be  look-a-likes of ‘Take That’ singing ‘Love Love’. Again the light blinds the camera to switch over to a male singer that will come into the spotlight, which will be another look-a-like of Tinie Tempah singing ‘It’s written in the Stars’. Then it will have a slogan saying ‘Become your hero’ and the product of the game for PS3 and Xbox 360. The game will be called ‘We Sing – Pop’. This will be filmed at the college in the studio with the lights.

The pros are I can film in the studio at college and I have the lights as well in the studio. I can make the footage black and white in final cut pro (editing). The cons are is getting the look a likes of Lady Gaga, Take That and Tinie Tempah as I might have advertise on the website like ‘Star Now’ for actors to play a look like also I might have to pay them to do it.

Idea 4: This idea is advertising the product of ‘Specsavers’ (glasses). This is another stop motion advert idea. This time it will be cardboard drawings of made up superheroes. The superheroes are Clever Clogs who has the power of strength and can fly. His a bit like superman but a builder as well and a bit dim. The other superhero is Four Eyes who is very clever and has gadgets.  He also wears glasses and that is the reason why he is called Four Eyes. The advert is like a superhero episode where the two superheroes are at home and hear about the villain who is Evil Nanny stealing handbags. The superheroes go to stop her but she escapes by throwing a bomb handbag. Four Eyes sees the back of Evil Nanny and attacks her but she is an old women. Evil Nanny is angry and hits Four Eyes. Clever Clog’s says ‘you should’ve gone to Specsavers’, which is the usual slogan from their adverts. This idea is silly and comical and it links the glasses of Specsavers to Four Eyes. There will be character voices and this is for all ages as the kids will enjoy watching this advert.

The pros are again this is stop motion and I can film it at my house and design the characters and the sets from cardboard. The cons are again it might be time consuming trying to get it all done and might not get it done in time. Also it might over run 30 seconds because of being stop motion and having a story.

Overall the idea I am going to use is idea 1 of ‘Evian’. I chose this idea because I can film this advert where I live and I have got the actor ‘teenage boy’ who also lives there. I can film on a Saturday morning. I also think it will be visually interesting and it will look good. The French New Wave technique of the jump cuts and the use of music ‘Keep on Running’ will work with the advert and it links the product to be health and exercise.  

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