
Tuesday 3 January 2012

Unit 30 Point 2 - Advert Questionnaire Data

Questionnaire Data

1.     Gender – Male [2]   Female [2]

2.     Age – 11-20 [4]

3.     Water drink a day – 2 litres [1]  No idea [ 2] 500ml – litre [1]

4.     Exercise day – 2 days [1]  1 hour walk [2]  Not much [1]

5.     Drink water when you exercise – Yes [1]  No [3]

6.     Teenagers that don’t exercise – Yes [3]  No [1]

7.     Teenage boy presents the advert – Yes [4]

8.     Keep on running in the advert – Yes [4]

9.     Jump cuts in the advert – Yes [4]

10.   Like the product of Evian – Yes [2]  No [2]
Comments:  ‘Tap water is better’
                      ‘I prefer Sparkling water and they don’t offer it in their product in                       
                       their product range’

11.  Buy the product of Evian – No [4]

Comments: ‘cost to much why pay that much for water’
                     ‘I don’t buy water’
                     ‘it’s quite expensive when tap water is available. The bottle is      useful though’

12.  Like to see in an Evian Advert

Comments:  ‘Something to do with health/feeling better. Exercise, beauty etc’

‘Something funny and creative. Not boring’

‘Something trying to sell me the product and how it can help me’

‘Movement – exercising – jump cuts – Fast motion people drinking the product’.

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