
Tuesday 3 January 2012

Unit 30.1 Advert Presentation

Unit 30.1: Structures and techniques of television advertisement

ASA: The ASA stands for Advertising Standards Authority. Their aim are to ensure that consumers do not just enjoy the ads they see, but they can trust them too. They are a group of people that watch the adverts to see if it is not suitable to be on TV for example if there is any references on sex, the use of drugs, nudity, swearing, blood glory, violence, racial and bullying. If any of the adverts have any of these themes they will ban them on TV and won’t be seen as for the audience safety and have under age e.g. kids. They also banned the adverts because of the age, as they can’t show 15-18 adverts as the age limit is to 12.  

The ASA have rules are to make sure if the advertising does not mislead, harm or offend. There are specific rules for certain products and marketing techniques. These include rules for alcoholic drinks, health and beauty claims, children, medicines, financial products, environmental claims, gambling, direct marketing and prize promotions.

Audience information: Audience measurement panel measures how many people are in an audience, in television viewership and adverts are pertaining to practices, which help broadcasters, and advertisers determine who is watching rather than just how many people are listening.
Another audience information is rating as critics write their opinions and reviews on the TV Programme and adverts, to give a over view to see if you agree or to know if it’s any good or not. Rating is also of how many people watched the advert or programme. If it is high like a million people it’s good and it’s kept on but if it’s less it ‘s not any good and won’t be on TV.

Sources of information: Rate card is a document containing prices and descriptions for the various ad placement options from a media outlet. Most advertising buyers will pay significantly less than this, receiving discounts due to volume, a desire to sell unused space, or other factors.
Research Agency Websites is where advertisers can research an agency on a website to see how they put their adverts on TV and pay to put it on and get it copyrighting.     

Audience Classification: For age and gender is to identify the target audience from the advert, product and TV Programme so you know who is watching it and who watches it.
Psychographic is marketing, demographics, opinion research, and social research in general and relating to personality, values, attitudes, interests, or lifestyle. Psychographic profiles are used in market segmentation as well as in advertising.  

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