
Monday 9 January 2012

Unit 62.2 Treatment


Programme Title:
Micro Life in a Day

Scriptwriter/Director and Producer:
James Grimley, Joel Coleman, Kalian Braithwaite, Keifer Hutchinson  

3 minutes – Shown on YouTube, which is viral showing life in a day of four people.
  • The Audience is 30 – 60 anyone interested in documentaries and in some ways it’s like a reality video, showing someone else’s life. Youth might not appeal to them.

I’m following and spending my time with my Dad showing his life in a day of being a Taxi Driver, giving his point of view showing what it is like to be a taxi driver and how hard and long hours or a quite day it can be.  

Suggested Elements:
  • I will film his Black Berry phone when the alarm is set off to wake him up. I will follow him into the kitchen when he is doing coffee has he always does in the morning.
  • I will show how tired he can be of working late, long hours and doing earlier morning jobs, as he sometimes sleeps on the chair in the lounge and watching Sky News as he watches everyday.
  • If he gets any phone calls, I will film him on the phone talking to one of his customers and writing in his diary.
  • Then when he goes out I will follow him into the car as I will be sitting at the front with him and filming him while he drives. I will film his journey to pick up his customer. I will be filming him at the Taxi Rank in Lichfield when he is waiting.
  • I will film close-ups on his mobile showing of the time, close-ups on his hands on the steeling wheel when he is driving, close-ups of his head set when he is talking, and close-ups of his Taxi of his company logo ‘PG Taxis’.
  • I will be filming his free time when he is waiting to have customers while he is reading one of his model magazines which it’s his hobby and while he listens on the radio or music. Sometimes he sleeps in the Taxi being tied so I will film that.
  • Being a Taxi Driver is sometimes slow and drags on so I will show that but also sometimes it can be busy or quite, depends how the day will go.
  • I will also be interviewing my dad on camera in the Taxi asking some questions, what it is like to be a taxi driver and how his day is going. What jobs he has and what time is he doing them. I will ask him how long his work can be over a day.
  • I will finish off the day when he gets back home in the taxi and turns off his engine and gets back in the house sits down watching Sky news again and he might fall sleep that is how I will end my day and my Dad’s day.

Filming one day on Thursday 12th January as everyone in my group has to film on the same day and we agreed on that day. Each film 20 minutes of footage, it might take the whole day. Filming at 9am when my Dad wakes up.

All filming on Flip Camera.

Editing will take a while as we edit each others footage and to see which shots are the best to put in the final video.  Might take three days or more.

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