
Monday 23 January 2012

Unit 27 Point 3 - Secondary Research Viral Video

Viral Video Research

Video 1 –  50 People 1 Question London Question ‘To Wake Up’:

This is a factual viral interview video, which it is a documentary where it’s at one location which this is set in London and 50 people haven been interviewed answering one question which is ‘Where would you like to wake up the next day?’. At the start it shows the first interview where it’s all nature as the interviewee doesn’t know what answer he should give and he talks to the director. Once that is finish you see establishing shots of London, and it keeps blacking out to show a different interview that will in the video showing they are setting up. You get some good, weird and funny answers. At the end you see all the interviews when you see the interviewees walking off and saying goodbye, knowing it’s the end of the video.

They have there own website which is called Fifty People One Question, where there is different videos of 50 people 1 question which are set different locations and different questions. Again Viral video on the Internet getting views, which they do have a YouTube channel. The target is more for people who are interested in film making, cinema-together and anyone interested in documentaries.  

Video 2 – Kermode Uncut: Too Many Tattoos?:

This is a viral film review which tells the Swedish vision of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the Hollywood remake where The presenter talks about and compare both films. The presenter tells us that he gave BAFTA award for best film in another langue which the girl with the dragon tattoo won. He compares the actors from both of films and ask whats the difference and what is the point to do a remake. There are Oscar Nominations of the remake but with the viewing it’s a flop. He says that the Swedish vision did a lot better than the Hollywood vision. The presenter also says isn’t it better just to watch film with subtitles than a remake.

This viral video is targeted to people that have an interested of films and wants to know about them and to know if they are any good. The viral video is different to factual TV and Film because viral video it’s on the Internet, which expends to world wide as anyone can watch it and get many views which this viral video is on YouTube. YouTube is the most used website and viral site as anyone can put their video up and get many views. In this viral video it was a presenter (film critic) he gives his views on the both of films and gives you facts how well the films are doing. There are archive footage of both films with still images, posters and small clips from the films.   

Video 3 - Goodbye Russell - Being Human - Series 4 - BBC Three:

This is a viral interview video of an actor ‘Russell Tovey’ who plays George in Being Human. The actor talks about his career in Being Human and saying goodbye as serious four is his last series. Then there are archive footage of the previous series showing clips of his character. In the interview he talks about his favourite moments and what he remembers when he first did the series. He is talking to the audience, to his fans about his character.

The viral video is on the BBC Channel on YouTube so anyone can watch it, as the fans of the show can was extras, behind the scenes, interviews of their favourite characters/actors and spoilers of the show. The target audience is for the fans that watch the show as they will watch the interview of Russell. BBC has it’s own YouTube channel to get more of their audience, more views to watch their stuff on iplayer or extra videos like interviews of the show.

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