
Tuesday 13 September 2011

unit 22.2 Ideas: Inspired by Vimeo

Idea 1: For this idea, it will be at Tamworth Castle, where I will show establishing shots of the outside and inside of the castle. The Tamworth Castle is unique in Staffordshire and famous land mark in Tamworth as the castle is 11 century old, which was to keep out the Vikings. I will also be filming the inside of the castle, which is also a museum, where it has a Great hall, the castle well, the courtyard, the tower with the dungeon inside and the Norman Exhibition. I will be filming all these parts of the castle and do a montage and show the history of the castle. I will film where they hold the gold, which belongs to the castle. During editing I will put sound effects of someone being tortured, haunting sounds, sound of prison chain, music and knights talking and eating at the great hall, sound of swords and horses at the courtyard, sounds of people from the past talking and singing of the footage of modals in the Norman Exhibition. I want to put these sound effects because to give a feel what it was like in them days and make the audience feel they are there. The sounds will be like ghost voices and sounds, as the footage will be at the present of showing the castle and museum, which will feel like a ghost castle hearing all these sounds but not seeing the ghosts.     

The pros are that I am going to the museum/castle on a Saturday with my family, so travelling will be fine to get there, I be able to film the outside of the castle. I also think that it will be a good 2 minutes video to document the history of the castle and make it feel like a ghost castle with the sound effects and visionary interesting to watch it in the present and hear sounds of the past. I can get the sound effects from YouTube or soundtrack pro. The cons are that the museum might not let me film inside without their permission as there is voluble gold and armour for reasons for that.     

Idea 2:  For this idea, it’s about a modal show in Sutton Coldfield town hall. This is different as it is a many clubs around England going to Sutton Coldfield town hall is taking place a show of air fix modals (plastic planes, tanks and cars), so I give a inside view of their hobby and the exhibition. I will film the modals all kinds e.g. planes, cars, tanks EST. I might film them making their modals and in editing I could speed it up, make it go faster same with crowds of people walking and visiting by. I will take close ups and but an angle seeing rows of modals. During editing, I will put sound effects of the sound of a plane flying and the footage of a close up of its wing and the end of its nose. Sound and close-up footage of Tanks wheels moving and firing its big gun. The footage of the car engine and the sound of it starting. I will record the sound of crowds talking and walking, to get the feel that the audience is part of the crowd looking at the modal show. At the start of the video, I will walk with the flip camera handhold so it is like a person walking into the hall of the show (Point of view), as you won’t see it’s me as the audience will be that person walking inside, as it is a faceless visitor.   

The pros are that I do have permission to film at Sutton Coldfield town hall, as anyone is a loud to take photos and film inside. I know the modal club from Sutton Coldfield and my dad is a modal maker as I have permission from them to film. This will be a good document to modal makers as this is a hobby. The con is that there might be some people that do not want to be filmed.

Idea 3: This idea is going to be about the Lichfield Cathedral, which it is the most well known building and holy place in Lichfield. The style of it will be slow pace and quiet as it is holy and a place to pray. I be filming the structure of the Cathedral and the detail of the statues and close ups of the candles and the little flame. I will do a shot of rows of seats and filming the cross. I had an idea if it is sunny and sun shines throw the colour class widows, I will film that as it would some to be holy and look beautiful, also I film the shadows and the gorgons so it seems to be creepy and eerie. During editing I will put the sounds of the bell, humming of monks praying and the choir singing. I will do establishing shot of the outside Cathedral and film mainly inside.

The pros are that it is quiet on the five day of work, travelling is easy; the owners will let me film it. The con is that I might have to pay to film inside, as it is an old landmark in Lichfield.       

Idea 4: This idea is about my activity and the sport I play, which is badminton, to show what you can do in Lichfield and it’s a local sport centre where people can get healthy. Idea is to film some people playing badminton from different angles around the court, filming close-ups of the shuttlecock and I will film close to get into the action, so it will feel exciting and fun sport to play. During editing I will change the time so I speed up the footage and slow motion of the movements of the players with their racquet and hitting the shuttlecock, so that the audience will see all the action. This idea was inspired by other sport videos, adverts and playbacks of the game in slow motion where they do that in tense on TV. Instead I’m doing badminton of fast and slow motion to show all the action.

The pros are I will be a loud to film there and I am a member so I can film my friends playing. The con is with the flip camera in editing; the footage might not look good to put it in slow and fast motion, it also might be hard to capture all of the action in badminton.

Overall the idea I am mainly going to do is the third idea of Licfhfield Cathedral, as I think it will be visionary interesting and I be going there on Friday 16th September. I think this is the best idea out of the rest as I show the footage of the history of Lichfield and to develop this idea by showing around all of it's unqiue, Famous figures and historic buildings.

However, if I can’t do my thrid idea because of the owners might not let me film inside of its valuables and without their permission. I will do my backup plan which is idea 2 of the modal show in Sutton Coldfield as I be able to film there with the modal club’s permission also it be on Sunday 18th September.  

Developing Idea 3

  My local place, which is Lichfield City. To show you the history of Lichfield and what it’s so unique about my local. Samuel Johnson’s birth place, who written the dictionary. The famous actor in Lichfield David Garrick, where there is a theatre name after him (Lichfield Garrick Theatre).
    Lichfield Cathedral, the famous building and oldest in Lichfield. Tudor houses, Erasmus Darwin who is an inventor also he is Charles Darwin’s Grandfather.  
 A Local tour around of Lichfield, showing the history. The battles of the England Civil War. The birth place of Samuel Johnson, Erasmus Darwin’s house, Lichfield Cathedral, showing you inside and outside of the Cathedral e.g. Statues (CU of faces, hands to show the detail), the walls, window glass showing the sunlight throw the glass. The crosses and the gold statues. To show you how quite it can be.  At start James Grimley (director) appear and give an intro of his local place.Shots of Lichfield, its history and buildings that is unique. I have adapte more places/buildings to make the video more interesting and give a view of Lichfield rather than The Cathedral , show other places as well e.g. Doctor Johnson's birthplace and Erasmus Darwin's House.

I will call this Video My Local - Lichfield because the assigment is about making a video in your local place and the place is called Lichfield and I'm showing all of Lichfield's history and it's famous old buildings.

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