
Monday 19 September 2011

Unit 22.2 Production Log: Vimeo Local Video

12th September Day 1
First day we were given our 1st assignment called Inspired by Vimeo. We are suspected to film on a flip camera and do three short films. once the three short film are finished it will then be on Vimeo (Respectful community of creative people sharing their videos on Vimeo and anyone can give a comment on the video) .
Our first task is to make a 1 - 2 minute, documentary style of our local and we have a week to do this first video. Once I heard that we had a week, I didn't expect to be that short. Being on level 2 I was use to do a video/assignment for 4 or 5 weeks. Now I have to do the paper work e.g. research, ideas, storyboards, health and safety.

When we were given the assigment, our tutors asked to look on Vimeo of other filmmakers video's of their local place. I saw 'iHood, Local (interview) and Local Tour: A Country Day in St. Clair, MO. I wasn't very sure what we need to do with our Local, so when I saw these videos, I understood want I needed to do. Watching them was interesting and seem to be a fun task to do.

13th September Day 2
We started on our paperwork at 9am to 4.30pm. I started on my ideas first, to see what I can come up with, then I chosen my first idea to film Tamworth Castle, but I had a back up just incase, I couldn't film inside of the gold, so I had idea 2 as a back up plan which is A Modal Show in Sutton Coldfield. After that, I did the treatment on both ideas so I can plan what it is, what i'm doing and to show what are my intentions to make the video. Then I did a treatment budget on both, explaining how much equipment and traveling will be. After that I did a Budget Sheet to add up the cost of the equipment e.g. Filp camera, tripod, final cut pro and the cable wire. I went to see Andy to book equimpent but he said come back tomorrow and you will have it.

14th September Day 3
At the end of Theroy lesson at 12.15pm, I went to see Finnie to book at equipment, and I needed it for the weekend, but Finnie told me that for the flip camera you only suppose to book it for 24 hours. I didn't know this, so Finnie said bring back the equipment on Friday, so I can film something else, but I was planning to do the weekend as Tamworth Castle was on a Saturday and me and my family are going there on that day. Then on Sunday was my back up plan (Modal Show in Sutton Coldfield). We are not aloud to book the equipment more than 24 hours because there are other casues that want to use them.

15th September Day 4
I Decided to do idea 3 of Lichfield Cathedral but to adapte that idea by showing around the historic places of Lichfield e.g. Doctor Johnson's Birth House (who written the dictionary), Erashas Darwin House (inventer and Charles Dawin's Granddad), Tudor House and the places, where there were battles from the England Civil War. At home I did research on Vimeo Local Videos on the three that I watched on the Monday, then I develpoed my third idea (My Local: Lichfield). I called Tamworth Castle to see, If I could film, but they said no as there is gold and for securecty not aloud to film.

16th September Day 5
On filming day, I caught a train to Lichfield around about 11.30. The first thing I did is I filmed a three different shots of establising shots of The Cathedral and the City, I did this because I could chose in editing which shot will be the best e.g. Panning cross, a still shot and a low shot to see the fence of the train station and the cathedral behind it. Then I went to the pond to film a shot looking down at the water and pulled the camera up to see the houses, I did two takes. I filmed a wide shot to see Lichfield Garrick Theatre and the Cathedral, I kept on filming when I took a close up of the sign saying Garrick Theatre. It tooks ages to set up the tripod, so I decided to carry the tripod and put the flip camera on top, so I could easily use it, when I am moving and getting a shot that might move in the way (crowds and cars) also it's a lot quicker. Then I filmed a long shot to see the tudor ally away of shops and people going throw, then I took the camera hand-held like a stadie camera walking throw the ally away as it is a point of view of people shopping. Near by the park, I filmed a garden with names of people thought in the wars, so I filmed a wide shot and a long shot of the gate leading to the garden, then I filmed these two lion statues with sheilds and filmed three different shots, close up, medium shot and wide shot again in editing I can decided which one is best or but together. After that I filmed establsing shots of the Cathedral seeing all the walls, the doors and the statues. I filmed close-ups of the statues to see the detail of it and being the oldest Cathedral in England. Then I filmed inside of the Cathedarl e.g. I filmed the glass windows, statues, names of the people that served in the Cathedral, the walls, celing, the cross, the row of chairs and the detail of the Cathedral. Then I filmed Erashas Darwins House, I did the point of view, like a stadie camera by filming the directions of the House. After that I did three takes of me introducing myself and my local place e.g. I did a shot of me sitting on a bench, I did a shot of me standing and the back ground is the Cathedral and a shot of me standing again but a Tudor House behind me. Then I went to the birthplace of Doctor Johnson, filmed the building and the close ups the sign of the museum. Next to the birthplace was a display of the three famous people in Lichfield (Doctor Johnson, Erasha Dawin and David Garrick). I finished filming at 3ish and caught the train back home, I had about the hour and 20 minutes of footage. I couldn't get to college as I leave long away to catch two trains, so I am returing the camera on monday.

18th September Day 6
On a Sunday I had to redo the treatment and bugdet treatment for my thrid idea (My Local: Lichfield) as I did not do my first idea. I also did Health and Safelty form.

19th September Day 7
We started to do editing on our video. Today I was annoyed by the two hours that was wasted with our editing of Finnie talking about the cameras and the booking, and the other was funtictional skills, which i rather did my editing. for the first shot I began for the Video is a still shot of the Tudor ally away of people going through, then when they went pass throught the gate, I changed the time speed to 500 to make it faster. the next shot i used was point of view of walking throught the ally away again I speed it up to 500, I did this because to speed up life and to see daily life of people shopping, and being a 1 - 2 minutes video, I had a lot of footage and also it was shaky. In that shot near the end, there was a brick wall, so I decided to put a 3D text so it seemed to be printed onto the wall and made the inside redish to fit the colour of the bricks and the outline of the text white, the text said 'Grimsta Films Presents'. For that text a slowed the speed time, so you can see the text longer, I used had to track it to stay at the same place on the wall, which isn't complete yet as it takes ages to do. Then at the end of the ally away is the way out into the city, I put the title text 'My Local: Lichfield' on the pavement. I used a text font, which looked like Victorian or Tudor hand writing. I did this because, it looked of the Lichfield's history and the Tudors houses. For the next shot I chose was me sitting on a bench, introducing myself and the video, then i did a cross-dissolve to the next scene of the garden near by the park. For the shots I used the three different shots of the lion statues, next shot of the gate, next shot of a wide shot of the garden and next a close shot of the garden. After that I put the establsing long of the front Cathedarl and the houses by the sides. Then I put three shots of different parts of the catherdarl to see more of it. College then finished and I returned the camera and tripod back.

20th September Day 8
At College, I did my edit of the video. Today I added shots of the outside and the inside Cathedral e.g. Statues from the outside and used the same statue with the three different shots, wide shot, mid shot and close - up shot. I added the front door of the Cathedral. Then inside of the Cathedral, the windows, the walls, the eagle stand, gold knight and the light shining at the head of the statue. I also added cross-dissolves so it changes of the Cathedral to the display, telling and showing a cartoon picture of Erasmus Darwin, then another cross-dissolve to the point of views (standee camera) walking towards Darwin's house, then in editing I speed up the time by 500, I did this because if it was normal speed it would have been shaky, boring and it's more visionary interesting. I added music, which is Canon D Long, as it fits in the video because the local video it's about history of the Cathedral and Darwin's house and other houses coming from the 18th century and the music comes from that era. At the end I used a shot of the spire of the Cathedral and the edge of the Garrick Theatre as a credit shot, so I used the same text for my title, which is Apple Chancery as it looks like old fashion/Victorian times hand writing and it's suits of the location and the history of Lichfield. Once I finished the video, I uploaded the video on YouTube and Vimeo.

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