
Tuesday 20 September 2011

Unit 22.3 Reviewing edit - My Local: Lichfield

Reviewing Edit - My Local: Lichfield

19th September Day 1 of editing
At college on final cut pro my  first shot I used for the Video is a still shot of the Tudor ally away of people going through, then when they went pass throught the gate, I changed the time speed to 500 to make it faster. the next shot i used was point of view of walking throught the ally away again I speed it up to 500, I did this because to speed up life and to see daily life of people shopping, and being a 1 - 2 minutes video, I had a lot of footage and also it was shaky. In that shot near the end, there was a brick wall, so I decided to put a 3D text so it seemed to be printed onto the wall and made the inside redish to fit the colour of the bricks and the outline of the text white, the text said 'Grimsta Films Presents'. For that text a slowed the speed time, so you can see the text longer, I used had to track it to stay at the same place on the wall, which isn't complete yet as it takes ages to do. Then at the end of the ally away is the way out into the city, I put the title text 'My Local: Lichfield' on the pavement. I used a text font, which looked like Victorian or Tudor hand writing. I did this because, it looked of the Lichfield's history and the Tudors houses. For the next shot I chose was me sitting on a bench, introducing myself and the video, then i did a cross-dissolve to the next scene of the garden near by the park. For the shots I used the three different shots of the lion statues, next shot of the gate, next shot of a wide shot of the garden and next a close shot of the garden. After that I put the establsing long of the front Cathedarl and the houses by the sides. Then I put three shots of different parts of the catherdarl to see more of it. 

20th September Day 2 of editing
At College, I did my edit of the video. I added shots of the outside and the inside Cathedral e.g. Statues from the outside and used the same statue with the three different shots, wide shot, mid shot and close - up shot. I added the front door of the Cathedral. Then inside of the Cathedral, the windows, the walls, the eagle stand, gold knight and the light shining at the head of the statue. I also added cross-dissolves so it changes of the Cathedral to the display, telling and showing a cartoon picture of Erasmus Darwin I did this because to show who he is and explain bit about him, then another cross-dissolve to the point of views (standee camera) walking towards Darwin's house, then in editing I speed up the time by 500, I did this because if it was normal speed it would have been shaky, boring and it's more visionary interesting. I added music, which is Canon D Long, as it fits in the video because the local video it's about history of the Cathedral and Darwin's house and other houses coming from the 18th century and the music comes from that era. At the end I used a shot of the spire of the Cathedral and the edge of the Garrick Theatre as a credit shot, so I used the same text for my title, which is Apple Chancery as it looks like old fashion/Victorian times hand writing and it's suits of the location and the history of Lichfield.

Overall, I was impress what I edited, but I wish I had more time to work on the text for Grimsta Films, as it looked funny moving around and some parts hard to see the title. For the song Canon D Long at the part when it speeds up fast wish I could speed up the song, but final cut pro won't let me and didn't had enough time. 

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