
Monday 26 September 2011

Reviewing Writing

Reflective Writing

Music Video: What happened?
I was filming a music, and I booked a small studio for three hours, and the music artist lives in Nottingham and he is bring the rest of the crew with him, as they are three people performing. My idea was to shoot the footage low light and with a green screen background. The studio cost for each hour was £20.
However I ran in trouble when the three artists from Nottingham came up 1 hour late as their train was delayed. With the timing the hour was gone so I filmed 2 hours of filming the performance about 3 times and but I thought the green screen wasn’t doing so well, so I decided to get rid of it, as I decided to film with just a black background. As we started late, I needed to film another hour so I had to pay for £20, at that time didn’t had the money so I paid another time.
When I got to do my edit, I have find out that the green screen footage is no good as the lighting was not sufficient, which has resulted in the artist being in shadow it is unusable. However the footage I filmed with a black background was very good because I adjusted the lighting the artists being well lit. 

The editing went well but it is evident but hasn’t got enough footage. The footage is good but the production failed on me, as it keeps repetitive. I am disappointed by the overall production not having enough footage, wish to I filmed more and should have gave hour of the artists to get here. I have learnt some good lessons in the future so that I will organize for the artists to come hour earlier before the studio has been booked and next time I be filming a story or just a studio or film on location of outside or inside.  

Documentary Video: What Happened?
I was filming a short factual production using a new camera that I never used before. I arrived on location on the streets of Birmingham and a filmed a series of Vox pop, which said in the brief that you must film a Vox pop. I have filmed for half a day and I felt that I had enough footage so went back home early.
When I got to do my edit, I looked at the footage, and it was out of focus and for most of the shots the camera is pointed directly at the sun, which means that the cameras’ aperture is closed, resulting to a very dark image. I had no choice to use the footage I had as the deadline is tomorrow. Therefore, there is no time to film anything else.
However I have conducted some good interviews but the footage lets the production down and I am disappointed with the overall look. I have learnt some good lessons of the future, as to ask a tutor how to work the new camera, make a double sure of the camera and keeping seeing in the eye piece, and to keep filming a shot again so I can deicide on a shot and to see which one is better, also to check the white balance and the focus.

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