
Tuesday 27 September 2011

unit 22.2 production log: Haiku Video

On the 21st September we were given to do an Haiku Video to do in a week. When I got back home I looked at on Vimeo of Haiku Video to get any ideas what to do for mine. A Haiku is Japanese poem so we have to do three shots, first shot 5 seconds, second shot 7 seconds and third shot 5 seconds. On the internet I search for a Haiku poem as I thought it will be easy to find one that has been written. As I find it hard to make up one on my own. I looked through the poems and a lot of them I didn't understand and couldn't do but I find one which I could easily do near by my house. The poem I choice to do is "The Concrete left, in the fire's wake, a ball bounces".

On Friday 23rd September I started to do the paperwork of treatment, treatment budget, budget sheet, health and safety, call sheet and ideas.

On Saturday 24th September, I started filming of the first shot about 12 different concrete near by my house e.g. back of the garden of the tiles, the pavement, the road, on the drive with the car. Trying to think how could I do something interesting with concrete, then I thought to film looking down of the car wheel which is on the right and the concrete on the left so the poem and the shot fits. The next shot from the poem is 'In the fire's wake' so I filmed a match that was lit, and I had help from my mum who lit about 10 matches so I can film it many times and do a different shot so I can chose which one is the best in editing. Different shots e.g. a close-up of the match box then I follow the movement of the match being lit, over the shoulder shot seeing the match box and being lit, and on the other shot to see the whole action of the match being lit again so I have many to chose from in editing and to see which one will be the best. Finally I did the ball and again I used my mum to bounce the ball for me so I can use the camera and film the shot, as it will hard to bounce and filming at the same time. I did many takes and different shot of the ball being bounce because my mum find it out to catch as it went everywhere and not easy to bounce on concrete. I filmed the ball being bounce on concrete because it links to the first shot of the concrete.

Back at college on Monday 26th September, I started editing on my video. The shot I used for the first shot was the car wheel from the right and the concrete from the left and shorten it to 5 seconds. I chose that shot because it was the best one from the rest as it made sense and linked with the poem as the concrete left. Then I put the second shot of the match being lit and the shot I chose was a close-up of the match box while it followed the movement of the match being lit. I chose that shot because it was more interesting and was close to the detail of the box and seeing the flame spark and hearing it spark. I shorten the shot for 7 seconds. The I put a cross-dissolve on the two clips as it seems to flow and contrast to the lines of the poem. The last shot I chose from the ball being bounce is a shot looking down of the concrete and seeing a green flower and the ball being bounce. I said to myself during editing I could I make it more interesting so slow down the speed about 10 seeing the ball slowly and seeing the action. Also it was veserionsy more interesting because even the sound was at slow motion you could hear the sound of the ball bouncing like it was echoing. From this i chose to leave the sound track that i recorded and didn't put any music. For the Light match I made sound loudly so you can hear the match box being about the match being set a lit, hearing the spark. For the text of the poem I did outline text, so for the first shot I had the text light grey and outline white so it links to the white car and the grey concrete. The second shot i had the text yellow and the outline red so it links to fire and the flame. The third shot I had the text yellow and the outline green at it linked to the colour of the ball and the flower.

Once that was done uploaded it on Vimeo and Youtube.

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