
Tuesday 13 September 2011

unit 22.2 Vimeo Video Local Project Research

Vimeo Video Local Project Research

Video 1 – iHood by Schmueyvision – Director Phil Loarie

iHood is the Director’s favourite local places in America, which are Berkeley, Emeryville and Oakland, California. The video is filmed at daytime and night time. I liked this video because it showed at dusk he filmed sculptures like a tall red shaped fork, where the camera at a low angle and you can see the blue clear sky and clouds it looked interesting and strange. The other sculpture I liked was when the camera zooms out from a black and slower you see the metal which is bronze and once it finished zoomed out, it’s a bronze planet. Then there was a shot of a bronze tunnel looking at the trees then it cuts to the trees. I also liked the panning shots of the cars then it cuts to the glass buildings and it cuts again to a historic movie place Pixar Art as it seems fast cutting and it draws you into the video as you keep seeing interesting things from day and night. In the video there are sounds of winds through Oakland’s Lake Merritt neighbourhood as the director recorded the diversity of urban drones from freeways and rail traffic and mixing them as if he had recorded strings, winds and brass, it’s a strange and usually sounds through out the video but I like how he connected the places with the sounds from different locations mix together as it gives the feel of being there. At the start there is a text ‘iHood’ which is formed of a light sign title as it keeps changing colours and later on in the video he links the format of the text to the night time shots of clubs and shops with big light text signs, which I like because it is linked. It’s very good cinematograph and well edited.

Video 2 – ‘Local (interview)’ by Carlus

The director of this video thought that ‘local’ is home, but home is nothing without his family, which he interviews his granddad talking and he thinks about his local area. At the start of the video there was the text of the title and the background seems to be old fashion orange wall paper from the 50s or 60s, which I like this because it shows that his granddad comes from that decade as he is an old man and his image fits from that wallpaper it is linked. The director introduces himself and says this is his granddad’s interview. I also like that it shows the real world and an passenger’s daily life and talks about what most people do now e.g. he tells us that it isn’t the same not working and being retired, staying home and watching TV. The granddad moans about things and do normal things like other old people do e.g. walk to the café and have a coffee also saying it’s easy for him to walk being his age, his hobby is to read essays and books on history and once he gets back to his house he tries to stay away from his wife as she keeps moving him room to room doing the cleaning and sometimes if he is a loud to sit on his armchair, this adds humour and it shows how long marries can change their feelings and annoy each other as this is real life. I think everyone has a granddad like him as he reminds me of Victor from One Foot from the Grave. The granddad speaks Italian as the video is subtitled , which I found this interesting because he is from a different country and like other old people around the world he does the same things as it also shows the director’s local place as he is family comes from Italy. I like this video because it’s a simple idea and easy to film it by interviewing one of his family members as he presents his local place.

Video 3 – Local Tour: A Country Day in St. Clair, MO by Charles Huette

The director had a family get-together back home on the farm, so he decided to do a local video where the place he grown up, he got that idea as the locals recognize him from a bowling as he considers himself a ‘local’. This video has humour as he uses himself to present this video and to make it off the wall as he uses the effect in editing e.g. when he says ‘wrong’, there is text saying wrong and buzzing noise. He tracks from what he is saying to the text ‘to show being in the country it can be fun’. I like when he uses stop motion of supplies he uses like beer, boots and a gun and it follows by the beat of the music. There are shots of a country tip 1 to 6 showing how they use all the supplies to be at the country how it can be fun. The music is jazzy and a bit of country, which does fits in the video. He also shows his family in the video showing themselves having a good time, in the woods the family uses their guns and it’s a different family member at the same spot as this is stop motion. The shots were really well done seeing detail of the country, the grass, the mud, the insects, the trees, the woods and the barn. It gives a good ending of the family having a fire outside. I like this because it’s the director’s local place and I never been there so it’s nice to see an unknown place and something new and different. The activities the family do look fun and the director shows that with good editing, texting, music and sound.

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